International Choral Festival in Tuscany 2007

The Partners in Praise Girl’s Choir, directed by Julia Fahey, joined the 2007 International Choral Festival in Tuscany. The all girls chorus was a big hit at the festival and after the festival they continued their journey south to Rome and beyond. The choir performed in Basilica Santa Maria degli Angeli in central Rome and enjoyed a tour of the church and its impressive organ after their concert. From Rome the girls, known as PIP (Partners in Praise), traveled south to the coastal peninsula town of Sorrento. The afternoon concert in the Chiostro di San Francesco in Sorrento was a wonderful event, with crowds of locals surrounding the singing girls. Highlights of the tour included a day trip to Pompeii where PIP sang an impromptu piece in the ancient amphitheater, as well as a day trip to the magical island of Capri. The final dinner back in Rome was a real treat where the girls enjoyed Dining with the Tenors, where well known opera signers of Rome stroll through the restaurant performing arias from Italy’s greatest operas. It was a festive end to a wonderful tour.