Customized Concert Tour to Croatia

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Croatia today is what the Czech Republic was 15 years ago - a breathtaking, historic destination few dared to go because of uncertainty and lack of knowledge about the area. The Czech Republic first developed into a hotspot for European travelers, then gradually became a very popular destination for Americans. The same is true for Croatia today - it attracts European travelers looking for down time on Croatia's beaches, hiking through gorgeous national parks and visiting historic sites from the Roman ruins of the Euphrasius Basilica to the Church of St. Donat in Zadar. American travelers are just starting to realize Croatia's potential as a wonderful destination.
Music Contact International has organized concert tours of Croatia since 2003. With our experience in planning concerts, arranging clean, safe accommodations and arranging guide services in Croatia, your choir can have the authentic Old World European experience most people did not know existed anymore!