Concert Tour of Germany and France, Spring 2007

For over ten years, Hubbard High School choir director William Wilson and choir manager Roger Carlson have chosen Music Contact International to arrange their concert tours to destinations such as New York and California in the USA, to England, Italy, France, Spain and Germany in Europe. In 2007, the Hubbard High School choir traveled to France and Germany for Mr. Wilson’s retirement tour. The tour started in Paris where the choir sang beautifully in San Sulpice for Palm Sunday Mass, visited the Louvre and took a cruise along the Seine River. They traveled east through Metz, Reims and Strasbourg, stopping to sing in each of those towns’ magnificent cathedrals. Cologne and Heidelberg, Germany were the next destinations. The choir sang in Heidelberg’s beautiful Heiliggeistkirche and sampled authentic German food at a local restaurant. The tour ended in Frankfurt with a gorgeous concert in Frankfurt Cathedral, which was used for the coronation of German kings from 1356 and of Holy Roman Emperors from 1562.

Music Contact International wishes Bill and Roger the best of success in their future endeavors and we look forward to many more tours with Hubbard High School!