Magic Kingdom Concert Update

Welcome Parents and Friends of Shelburne Community School Wind Ensemble! Check back regularly as we will endeavor to update this blog!

The News from Monday:

In the cool, dark of the morning the Wind Ensemble students boarded school buses and were driving toward the airport before 4:00 a.m. The students poured out of the three buses at the airport and gathered in their chaperone groups to check in. Jet blue was glad that 90 people for their 6:00 a.m. flight where there so early so that all four check-in agents could handle the group. In short order everyone had boarding passes and passed through the security area for departure. The group filled more than half of the plane to JFK and within an hour we were landing in New York. The seeming sea of blue polo shirts smoothly transferred gates using the Jet Blue shuttle to the next flight and were boarded first on the Jet Blue flight - again filling much of the plane with Shelburne residents.

Upon arrival in Orlando about 35 minutes BEFORE our scheduled time the temperature was 80 degrees and the good luck continued as all the luggage appeared on the carousel and was claimed before we boarded the waiting motor coaches for the ride to our hotel. The palm trees were swaying in the breeze making it very clear we were not longer in Shelburne and as the kids put it “that is not the Winooski River over there”….

After a break for lunch with their chaperones the band gathered pool side to run through some music before checking in to their rooms. Suddenly they moved faster than ever as they knew the pool awaited them. By 3:00 p.m. they were plunging into the pool, putting on sun screen and lounging in deck chairs. Being awake for over 12 hours didn’t seem to be taking its toll yet.

At dinner in Bennigens restaurant two girls celebrated their 14th birthdays with brownie sundaes and lots of singing. By 8:15 everyone is back in their rooms ready for a good rest and an early start in the morning.